Get Strong Challenge – The Big 3

The Squat, The Bench Press & The Deadlift – These are the 3 exercises that set a benchmark for strength, as those movements engage the entire body, most of its major groups, and show just how much strength you hold.
Though strength isn’t the only important thing, it is a fundament for your performance in the gym, as greater levels of strength allow you to realize progressive overload to a greater extent.
In this guide, we’re giving you a challenge to get stronger and a blueprint to do so, via a methodical approach to training.
If you’re ready to take your progress a step further, do keep on reading as we go through the most important things you need to know about getting stronger and building muscle.

This content is for Membership and Get Strong Challenge – The Big 3 members only.
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  1. Get Strong Challenge - The Big 3 - Behind The Challenge - Take-Home Message
  2. Get Strong Challenge - The Big 3 - Behind The Challenge - E-Book
  3. Get Strong Challenge - The Big 3 - Behind The Challenge - Maxing Out
  4. Get Strong Challenge - The Big 3 - Behind The Challenge - De-Loading
  5. Get Strong Challenge - The Big 3 - Behind The Challenge - Pull Workout
  6. Get Strong Challenge - The Big 3 - Behind The Challenge - Legs Workout
  7. Get Strong Challenge - The Big 3 - Behind The Challenge - Rest Days & Progressive Overload
  8. Get Strong Challenge – The Big 3 – Behind The Challenge – Increasing The Weights
  9. Get Strong Challenge – The Big 3 – Behind The Challenge – Rest Times Between Sets
  10. Get Strong Challenge – The Big 3 – Behind The Challenge – Push Workout
  11. Get Strong Challenge – The Big 3 – Behind The Challenge – Rep Ranges
  12. Get Strong Challenge – The Big 3 – Behind The Challenge – The Workout Cycle
  13. Get Strong Challenge – The Big 3 – Behind The Challenge – Introduction
  14. Get Strong Challenge – The Big 3 – Behind The Challenge – High-Intensity Training
  15. Get Strong Challenge – The Big 3 – Behind The Challenge – The Musculature
  16. Get Strong Challenge – The Big 3 – Behind The Challenge – Cardio Training
This content is for Membership and Get Strong Challenge - The Big 3 members only.
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